If I made a concerted effort to focus on it, I'm pretty sure I could come up with an embarrassing moment for every day of my life. Fortunately, I am not a teenager anymore, so whether I am embarrassed is not something that I obsess over or will be the ruin of me. But it's true, embarrassing things still do happen. A lot. Fuji's latest question asked me to share with everyone an embarrassing sports memorabilia story from my past. Well, I'm afraid I can't do that. Because I'm going to share an embarrassing sports memorabilia story from my present. As in "today." I'm telling ya, every day, man. Ev-er-y-day. You see the Rafael Furcal Icons jersey card scanned here? See the big ol' wrinkle in the middle? That arrived in the mail today. I bid on that card. I won that card. I was proud that I won that card. I was proud that I won it and that it was free. I was the man. A relic card? Of a player on my favorite team? For free? Greatnes...
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