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You like me. Right now, you like me

A couple weeks ago I received an unexpected package from Bob of the best bubble. He sent several packages around to a select few and, even after all these years of doing this and getting just-because packages, I felt honored.

You know what Sally Field said. ... Well, maybe you don't, because her Oscar acceptance speech is misquoted all the time. What she said was "I can't deny the fact that you like me. Right now, you like me." I saw that speech live back in 1984 when I did things like watch the Oscars, and it struck me as goofy and needy as hell. But I just watched it back now and mostly I was impressed with how well-spoken she was. Not even a stutter, or missed word. It's pretty amazing.
Bob sent the above picture of Field. I'm guessing it's from her Gidget days (Before my time, I didn't discover Field until "Smokey and the Bandit"). I'm not sure why I received it, other than she's a cutie pie. But it did cause me to remember that speech and also that pretty much every time I receive a surprise card envelope from anyone, it's probably because "you like me". Maybe that feeling will go away. But right now, you like me.
Bob picked just a few to send cards. I was one. Let's see those cards ... and what-not, because there was what-not.

A few needed items from ... let me check my cards ... Two thousand FOUR. Right about now, when I'm doing a big Dodger binders update, I am super-appreciative of cards who announce the year that they were made in no uncertain terms. These are great, and I need to see more of that. I'm tired of squinting at the bottom backs, turning on lights, cursing at my magnifier app because it doesn't go any higher.

 Here is some "what-not" right now. I thought I knew what this is, but I don't think I do now. I do know it could be a page storage quandary.

There we go, a bunch of random Dodger needs. Good stuff. The Piazza Lightning card I have already, but it's one of those cards that's so great that it seems to fill a need every you get it. ... There are several versions of that Bonds-Piazza card because it's not bad enough that I'm putting one card of Bonds in my Dodger binders.

Want to know Current Card Prices from February 1985? I have your answers.

This is the second time Bob has sent me one of those Current Card Prices guides. I had to dig out the first one because I couldn't remember the date on it.

There you go. It was three months later. Because prices fluctuated THATMUCH in 1985. I need to look through these and see if there are any big jumps or plunges in price. If I find anything interesting, maybe it'll be a post.

Did this come out once a month?

Ooooh, gimme! Three pristine 1970 Kellogg's cards. ... Well, the backs aren't pristine. There's kind of some creasing going on with the backs, which oddly hasn't affected the fronts at all. They're perfectly flat without any cracking.

That was most of the highlights of the package and I'm glad I waited until today to show them off because something else showed up from Bob today. I can show it off all together!

Yup, you're seeing correctly. That's a baseball card belt. Check out the belt loop.

Bob had the proprietor of Card make this. This consists of random Dodger cards with a couple Bills mixed in.

I'm guessing these were done with some of Bob's old dupes? Not sure. I'm now wondering what a 1975 Topps belt would look like.

The belt is sturdy enough to wear. I probably will display it rather than wear it. I'm notorious for letting my belts practically disintegrate before I get new ones (I'm sure I'm not alone). Maybe I'll have this on standby.

Or maybe I can wear it to the card show this weekend and creep everyone out by saying "want to see my card belt?"

So, there you go, that's a pretty eclectic package sent with care and out of the blue.

Thanks for liking me, Bob. Not everyone does, you know. The internet is a weird place.


Mr. Black said…
Love the Kellogg's cards, especially the earlier issues.
Chris said…
I was a bit too young to hear Sally Field's speech at the time but I've heard it misquoted a hundred times and I get the reference.

That Duke Snider Pristine is fantastic, I'm such a sucker for that set-especially the legends block at the end of the base set.
Matt said…
What a cool belt!
kcjays said…
I always enjoy seeing your “gift packages”.
Pretty sure the Sally Field picture and a Dodger baseball card belt are a first on any of the blogs I read.
Congratulations on being liked.
Angus said…
And at the card show, every time you ask someone if they want to see your card belt, I can go, "Dude! That is so awesome! You've got a belt made of cards!", like u had never seen it.
Angus said…
Should have been "I had never seen it". Stupid small keyboard on the phone.
I immediately knew what the belt was because Card Belts had been featured on "The Card Life", a syndicated TV show hosted by Phillies pitcher and baseball card collector Matt Strahm.

You can find that segment of the show here:
Grant said…
Those belts are neat. I was thinking of getting one, but I'm not sure which cards I would request to compile it. Maybe '71 Topps? Bright junk wax cards?
Brett Alan said…
The Don Newcombe thing is a silk cachet envelope; they were something of a fad in the hobby in the early 80s, at least judging by what I saw in Baseball Hobby News. Usually they tied in with some event, in this case a major NYC card show. I actually have a promo card of Tom Seaver from the same company, Z, promoting those products.

And, yes, Current Card Prices was monthly; note that the February issue is No. 2 of the year and May is No. 5.
Nick Vossbrink said…
So that Field Exhibit is intriguing me. My gut had Exhibits ending in the mid-60s which makes your Gidget guess make sense but with the baseball exhibits there was no "made in USA" by the mid 60s. Also that Tunderclap card is very cool. Sadly the Bonds is like $12 on COMC and I ain't paying that kind of money for a 1990s insert.
Nick said…
I got a card belt via Bob as well! It's really cool - though like you I'll probably display it more than wear it because I seem to run through belts pretty quickly.
bryan was here said…
I follow Cardbelts on Instagram and am always impressed by their products. Don't know if I'd pull the trigger and buy one, I'd never wear it. Now if they made ties...
Jon said…
I'd have a hard time trusting a guy that doesn't wear his belt until it's falling apart; or has fallen apart.
Jafronius said…
Card Belt guy saw a need on the internet and filled it...very cool!