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Many pots to boil

As trading among fellow bloggers has dwindled, I've had to get a little creative.
I can't afford to buy all the cards I want, although I do buy plenty, so I still rely on trading. Trading also diversifies my collection. I can't be aware of everything that's out there, and since everyone is different, they often will find things that interest me that I would never think to get myself.
So my trading has expanded into other areas. Twitter has been a key one. I haven't gotten to TCDB, but I will someday, probably in a limited fashion. And I've relied on readers and, in this particular case, a fellow blogger's collecting buddy.
Stuart, who runs around card shops with the operator of The Collective Mind, has corresponded with me through email a few times, and he's been an occasional commenter.
We've just started a trading connection that I hope will last for awhile, although Stuart's wants are, shall I say, challenging. Yet that's canceled out by the fact that he has that old-school blogging-and-trading spirit: we can swap one card or one thousand -- or one card for one thousand -- it doesn't matter, as long as we fill someone's collection need. I like that.
I found a small smattering of cards for him several weeks ago and about a week or so ago, I received a sizable response. Lots of stuff from my wants, almost all of it Dodgers.

Look at that. Current-card needs. I'm really lacking in this area, just because I don't open as much modern stuff anymore, and neither does anyone else judging by what used to get sent to me.

I've told myself recently that I'm not going to seek out parallels anymore -- I don't know how successful I'll be there, because I really like some of the colorful ones. But there's no reason I should be buying the rainbow foil stuff. I'll still take it, but I won't miss it.

Goldies, though, get me every time. As long as there's a border.

Some more needs from today and 20 years ago or so. Stuart did a good job scouring my wants. There's no way I could've told him what Topps Fusion cards I need or if I needed any gray backs from 2005 Fleer (which are also gray fronts). But I don't have to be aware of those cards in a trade. The other guy knows this stuff.

More examples of why I need traders -- they will find things I need that I forgot existed!

1994 Sportflics had an update set? Well, apparently I knew that at one time because these two cards completed the five-card Dodgers team set. But I could've gone the rest of time not knowing I needed these.

'90s needs. The Pinnacle Museum parallels I knew, you couldn't blog in 2009 without someone yelling "Dufex!" somewhere. The two Score inserts? Not a clue. It's amazing how many of those '90s inserts I am still discovering. It's also amazing how I'll look up some '90s insert I just learned existed and see the price they're going for.

The crazy late '90s Circa Thunder sets. Each of these were the last card I needed to finish the '98 and '99 team sets. Sure, there are still inserts (but screw you, parallels). That'll have to wait for another trade -- because I won't be pursuing them.

Stuart even sent a couple of these commemorative Topps coin things (Topps' phrase, not mine). Weirdly, I had the Mookie Betts already. I've said many times how I don't know what to do with these things -- I've recently started putting them in eight-pocket pages but I don't know if I should.

The package even mixed in a few Sabres cards. These arrived before my post announcing I'm cutting back on Bills and Sabres cards. They demonstrate what I will still collect and what I won't. The pretty blue shiny cards? I am not collecting those. The boring Danny Gare card that looks like Topps put the back on the front? I am collecting that. Yes, I'm an enigma.

FATHEADS! Did you know that TCDB lists these as part of your collection? Hell, that fact and that I have pages to house these things means I NEEDED 'EM!!

Stuart also sent a couple of 1967s. He's much further along on this chase than I am, but finding it just as vexing. I have both of these cards already but I'm pretty sure at least one of them is an upgrade.

What's left over I will save for a future trader. Maybe it will even be a blogger.

I haven't given up on blog trades. In fact, I'll be going to the post office today or tomorrow to mail one out and there are still "to be sent" stacks for fellow bloggers still in my card room just like there's been for over a dozen years.

It's just like everything else in life now: many pots to boil for something that used to take just one pot.


POISON75 said…
Mr. Owl:
You're welcome glad to see that you enjoyed opening up my package & finding some good stuff I take pride in when I can find things people need or like for their collections. If anyone else would like to try to tackle my needs let my friend at The Collective Mind Blog know that you are interested in trying to tackle it. I collect mainly baseball and hockey but have lists for all 4 sports so just let him know which sport & I'll send it to him & he'll send it to you.
That was really cool. He even called you Mr. Owl, lol. I have a question for you Mr. Owl: How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? :) Seriously, though, some great cards.
Matt said…

Sorry, had to.

I just traded with a blogger for the first time in a very very long time. I tend to trade with former bloggers more.

But i always have dodgers on hand that always need an owls nest
GCA said…
Thanks for the promo, Stuart, but they can email you directly at SR75OSUfan75 at yahoo dot com.

I'm your friend, not your secretary. :)
Bulldog said…
Maddux cards are always good. Even in a Dodgers uni. ;)
Jupiterhill said…
I don't remember Brent Mayne ever playing for the Dodgers, or at least I just straight up forgot. Still not a bad card. Those Circa Thunder cards and a great reminder of why I liked collecting cards as a kid/young adult but also looking back realize there were way to many sets being produced. Still I'd take that over 37 parallels of the same card released today.
Nick Vossbrink said…
Kind of the perfect trade stack there. Love it when people dump a bunch of stuff on me that I had zero knowledge about. Yes my 1990s binders are a disaster but they're kind of amazing in how many different sets and insets exist.
TwinKiller said…
I believe i am still in need of the Merrit if you find it isn't an upgrade. I haven't gone through my Dodgers yet but in the future maybe we can work something out.
night owl said…
I'll set it aside for you.
Jon said…
Is there any brand that didn't have an update set at some point?
Nick said…
My blog trading has died down as well - I've branched out into buying a lot more stuff from COMC, Sportlots, etc. As much as I love admiring the collection I already have, part of me really enjoys a constant stream of new cards coming in as well.