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One of my worst blogging fears realized

One of my "unwritten" vows to myself in writing this blog is to try to make each post relatively original.

I know not all of them are. I have specific blog series so each of those have a theme. And anything that is a "look at the new cards I got" can be lumped together as the same idea.

But I try to make those trade posts and "got cards" posts as creative as I can. I've been trying to do that for years. I don't know why I'm so hell-bent on this -- other bloggers repeat stuff all the time -- but the thought of repeating a subject without knowing I'm repeating it, which I'm sure I've done, has been one of my worst blogging fears.

Well, welcome to my nightmare. I made the same post within a year back in March and I'm just realizing it now.
It dawned on me that I wrote about the same topic two different times in remarkably the same way when I was writing the latest edition of the 1975 Topps worst to best countdown. As I often do -- again, trying not to repeat myself -- I check to make sure I haven't already mentioned the card in the countdown. I have a list checked on my laptop but sometimes a card eludes checking.
I was specifically searching for the '75 Tom Murphy card when I came across a post I titled "Perfect matches". Then my eyes drifted down to a few older posts and my heart sank as I came across another post called "Color match game".

You can check those posts out now and get an idea of how similar those posts are and how scrambled my brain is.
They are two separate posts about the same thing -- listing a 1975 Topps card for each team that matches that team's colors the best. ... Wow. But repeating myself isn't the mind-blowing part, I'm quite sure I've repeated ideas through the years maybe even dozens of times. What startles me is that these posts were written not even a year apart -- in March 2023 and May 2022 -- each in response to Twitter prompts ...

 ... and I didn't suspect a thing.

The question from phungo arrived in 2023 and if I had my wits about me, I would have responded with "I did that already" and linked to the post, which I have done many many times during Twitter's heyday, but hell, none of us are as good as we once were, Twitter, me, blog ideas. We all suck.

I thought it was fascinating though when I compared the two lists on each of the blog posts. First, for one post I listed the teams alphabetically by city and the other alphabetically by team name. For many of the teams, I came up with the same "best color match" card, but for a good portion there were differences. Here's the breakdown:

So I don't think I can any longer consider myself a leading authority on the best color-border-uniform match for each team in '75 Topps cards, but I don't know anyone else who is doing this.
The other interesting note between the two posts were the comments on each. On the first one there are six comments, although two are by the same commenter and one is by me. Not a ton of interest, judging by the comments. Then on the second one there are 13 comments (two by me). And not one was "you did this already."

Seems we all have memory issues. 

And, hey, at least I didn't write the same title for each one.


Considering you post daily (which I think is an incredible feat itself), it was bound to happen. I definitely won't ask for a refund! It's a good topic, I often wonder how good Donruss 1990 and Fleer 1991 would have been with color match borders!
TwinKiller said…
I post the same concepts over and over and over. And the same apologies over and over and over. In fact, I'm preparing a type of post where I rewrite and expand on some early posts of mine.
Old Cards said…
No complaints here. Appreciate the frequency of your posts!
Fuji said…
I'm pretty impressed that you color match and perfect match picks were pretty much on the same page. As for memory issues... you could do another one of these posts in six months and I wouldn't remember :D
Matt said…
I know I have repeated the same stories a few times. I do have new stories to tell bug the old ones I revert to have more meaning. Maybe I will have to adjust as well. But running three blogs all of which cover different topics isn't easy either. Soon I am finding a way to make it all one and maybe I can keep my stories straight and fresh.
Nick said…
As much as I strive for originality, I feel like 90 percent of my recent blog material has been me repeating myself over and over again. I'm sure I've basically written the same post twice a whole lot of times by now.
Billy Kingsley said…
Don't feel too bad, I'm lucky if I can remember what day of the week it is. With as much content as you've written it's bound to happen...and may happen again. If you are enjoying it, there's no problem.
Matt said…
I can barely remember what a ate a week ago, let alone if a blog post I read was similar to one written months ago. You've been at this long enough where it almost seems inevitable. Think of it as watching a movie a second time and catching something different that you didn't the first time!
GCA said…
At this point I feel like I repeat myself in the comments of other blogs, much less in the posts on my own.
My regular topics have dwindled to:
TCDB trades (and only about 1/4 of those),
I don't know any of these players any more,
Heritage pairs,
and rants about rookie cards that I never actually write.
I think in this case the plagiarism can be forgiven.
BaseSetCalling said…
They say memory is the 2nd thing to go, but I forgot the first.

Don’t feel bad though, not everyone can read every post so showing off a fantastic powder blue color match is totally worth repeating, was very glad to see it. I have been starting an underground whisper campaign for Topps to create some powder blue baseball cards again.
Nick Vossbrink said…
Haven't done this with posts. Yet. Almost did though (scanned a card twice and then got confused when trying to save it since the name already existed). I also just sent/received my first duplicate TTM return which is inexcusable since I keep notes. Which is to say, the last 3 years have been an eternity and we're all due a bit of slack for losing track of things.

Anyway I LOL'd at the Tom Murphy card since the Giants just signed a guy with the same name and I think we all thought of this 1975 Tops card.
Jon said…
I used to worry about using the same title more than once. I even used to check before each new post went out to make sure that I hadn't used that particular title before. I don't do that anymore, and I'm pretty sure that I've now used the same title on a couple of different occasions. I'll live... and so will everyone else.
Jafronius said…
The struggle to make every post original in some way is the reason why your blog is the best there is!