I suppose this is typical for set collectors or collectors in general when it comes to a new project: I don't like to continue with more of the same.
The latest example:
I just finished the 1970 Fleer Laughlin World Series set a couple of weeks ago. I also want to complete the 1971 World Series set and am around 15 cards away on that one. Logically, I'd jump to the '71 set next.
But I can't get myself to do that. With collecting a number of different sets, I automatically pivot to something different, leaving the set that figured it was next wondering in the dust. I just need to keep myself entertained and jumping back and forth between sets does that for me.
So last weekend, I put in some orders for some needed 1979 Topps football cards. Yeah, sorry, this is a football card post -- it's playoff season, you should have expected it.
All of them arrived quickly and are here now so let's see them.
A couple of random needs that don't fit neatly into any category except that both the Giants and Patriots were filled with wants and NOW THERE ARE NO MORE.
Still chasing down unchecked checklists. Earl Campbell is all over this set, I now have half of the Campbell cards in my possession. Still a league leader and record breaker card to go.
Another elusive team in this set. It's tough to explain to young fans now how big the Vikings were in the '70s. Also, remember when Ahmad Reshad was everywhere on your TV? I had to look up what he was up to recently and discovered he's been married five times. (Insert joke here).
Not a surprise that much of what's left are Steelers and Cowboys. Here is a portion of the Steelers. As a kid, I knew the names of the biggest stars, which were often Steelers. But I really didn't know positions or anything. What's a cornerback? I had no idea. Mel Blount could have been a running back for a ll I knew, I just knew he was a big name. The only guys' positions I knew were Roger Staubach (quarterback), Lynn Swann (receiver) and Jack Youngblood (some defensive thing).
All of these cards were purchased in preparation for the upcoming monthly card show. I'm down to 15 cards to finish the set, and as you can imagine, it's all big fat names -- Staubach, Bradshaw (Staubach and Bradshaw), Tarkenton, etc. So I don't expect the show to finish off the set, but I do expect to find some of the notables there and plan to come home with them.
I'm not someone who has to complete a set during the sport's given season, but it would be cool if I could get this done by the Super Bowl. My '79 football extravaganza post will rival whatever Super match up we're subjected to, especially if the Chiefs are involved.
Then after that, will I tackle the rest of the 1971 Fleer World Series set?
Who knows? I've found collecting is often all about whims.
Good luck finishing the set.