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Thank you, I don't like it

A couple things before I start the big show:

1. I like to be a good commenter on the blogs and leave a comment when something sparks my interest. Lately I have been unable to comment on some blogs via my laptop. This is only from my laptop, not any other computer, like the one at work, so I know it's some sort of settings issue on my laptop. But it only comes into play on three blogs that I know of. Those are: Johnny's Trading Spot, Nine Pockets and Uncle Charlie's Shoebox. I know this is something I have to fix (like I have the time) but I'm mentioning the specific blogs just in case they've wondered where I was in the commenting section.

2. RIP, Mr. Baseball. Bob Uecker, who lived to age 90, is one of those baseball guys who lasted through multiple generations. First he was a player, then a broadcaster, then a pitchman and guest host, then an actor, then a movie star. Whether you knew him first as a ballplayer or his famed Lite Beer commercials or from Major League, he was always there to amuse you.

For me, I first remember him from the Lite Beer ads and Monday Night Baseball and appearing on Johnny Carson. I have just one card of Uecker, the above 1967 Topps card. I was given his '64 card, by reader Dave, like 10 years ago but traded it to someone who needed it more. As for the Uecker card that I need, I don't suppose getting that 1962 Topps Doug Camilli card will be any easier now.
OK, on to what I teased in the top photo.
On Monday, I received my 2024 Allen & Ginter Dodgers team set.

 I know I'm way behind on this, especially since the delayed release times of Topps products these days should make things easier for me. But I find the delays lead to "out of sight, out of mind" for me. I'm getting real lazy with this.

The '24 A&G design does not inspire me either. Its Gypsy Queen vibes immediately eliminated the possibility of me collecting it, not even including how far the subject matter has traveled from the topics 10-to-15 years ago.

So given my lack of enthusiasm, maybe you can imagine my reaction when Monday also produced this:

Those are packs that came out of the blaster up top that was sent to me by my daughter's boyfriend as a Christmas present.

He mentioned when they were visiting just after Christmas that there was a gift coming. It was delayed, he said, because "they were out." I knew automatically from that hint that they were baseball cards -- they are always "out" these days.

It's very cool that he thought to buy his girlfriend's parents gifts. I listed baseball cards as a potential present and even spelled out some of the possibilities. A&G was one just because my daughter knows I've liked it in the past. That's why I got it, I'm sure. "Hey babe, what kind of cards does your dad want?" Daughter: "I don't know -- Allen & Ginter?"

So that's what I got. Thanks, but I don't like it.

But I'll start with the good stuff. These are the legends that I pulled. Three of them -- Bagwell, Gonzalez and Stargell are from the short-print section of the set. The two Pirates are nice and was part of a Pirates-centric box.

Here are six of the eight minis pulled (the other two were actor/producer types that I don't know and are why I don't collect this set anymore). This is a very nice selection. The Clemente is chrome and the Skenes is the retro rookie design. Speaking of "Dave sends great cards," I wonder if he needs these two?

Here are the two chrome parallels that showed up. I'm a little conflicted about this as I automatically like shiny but chrome DOES NOT BELONG IN ALLEN & GINTER AT ALL. STOP TRYING TO MAKE IT FIT, IT DOESN'T FIT!!!!

I remember when I'd tried to collect all the Dodgers inserts/parallels because if they didn't make sense, at least I liked them. Now I don't bother because I don't want them. You're welcome, wallet.

More chrome as part of the inserts. The Zoo Skeleton Chrome cards are quirky and odd. Pretty creepy, too. That one on the top is a toucan. OK.

That's how this set goes for me. I always like the dog inserts in A&G but these aren't the most appealing. They look like creepy paintings you'd see on the walls in a creepy living room in a creepy house. I know that just made some readers like them more.

The biggest reason I don't collect A&G anymore is right here. There are no historical figures or inventions or landmarks anymore (except in the inserts). The non-ballplayers are mostly internet celebrities or just folks I'm too old to know. I do like that I got a Sophia Smith card. So, yay, one card.

That's about it except for a bunch of ballplayers that look better in other 2024 sets.

But the gift was appreciated. I'm happy I got cards from a fourth person for Christmas this year. It wasn't so long ago that I couldn't get a single person to buy me cards for the holiday. So that's great.

Anyway, right now, it seems like A&G never creating a card of Bob Uecker was a major missed opportunity.


In the words of Mr. baseball. "that's just a bit outside". may he RIP.
John Bateman said…
I remember one time I'm batting against the Dodgers in Milwaukee. They lead, 2 - 1, it's the bottom of the ninth, bases loaded, two out and the pitcher has a full count on me. I look over to the Dodger dugout and they're all in street clothes.- Uecker
Grant said…
Rare miss on your WKC take, NO. I like the WKC inserts.
Old Cards said…
It's the thought that counts!
Nick Vossbrink said…
Hehe. Sometimes the gift isn't what you get but rather saving you the feeling of having wasted your money. This looks dire. But you know you'd've been tempted to buy some if you encountered it in the wild. I bet you enjoyed opening the free blaster a lot more than if you'd spent $30 on this.

Anyway, nice Sophia Smith. Reminds me that I need to pick up the handful of non-baseball Ginters that strike my interest now that those should have reached COMC or sportlots.
bryan was here said…
That's a nice Skenes. And a Kent Hrbek sighting!!
sg488 said…
Uecker was great on Mr. Belvedere.RIP
Jeremya1um said…
That is so awesome that your daughter’s boyfriend knew to get you cards. Sounds like he’s a keeper.
Nice pull on the Skenes card. Maybe you can turn that into some needed Dodgers.
AdamE said…
Who is this Dave that likes Pirates? Over the years I have bought a ton of Pirates lots for just the Virdon. That has left me with a bunch of oddball Pirate cards and assorted other items.
GCA said…
Great idea for a Ginter Gap card!
I still have a shiny Clayton & mini Jackie A&G sitting here for you.
Fuji said…
Can't remember if I first saw Uecker on Miller Lite commercials or on Mr. Belvedere... but it was back in the early to mid 80's. Sad to see the news. Rest in peace Mr. Baseball.
Jafronius said…
A nice gesture from the boyfriend for sure. RIP to Mr Baseball
Odd you can't comment! I was trying earlier on my IPad and failed on my own blog. When I re-logged into my phone all the sudden it started working again...