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New paint job

I don't have a lot of time today. I've been squeezing in the last few day trips before vacation ends. Also, we added a new roommate yesterday.

That's Francesca, a.k.a. Fran, a.k.a., she'd be adorable if she'd sit still for a second.

So after swearing off pets a couple years ago, there's another one to rule the roost. These things are never my idea but I do like my pets.

Anyway, here's a quick thing I noticed a week or so ago that may not interest anyone but I thought it was interesting.

When I completed the 1977 Hostess set, I noticed something about the back of the set. (This is why you sort your cards by number):

These are the final pages of the 1977 Hostess set, cards 118-150 (sorry about the reflections, I was rushing). 

If you review all the cards after the Ray Fosse card, card No. 122, you will note that they all feature airbrushed hats and uniform tops. The final 28 cards in the set are airbrushed.

I'm not sure what this means, but I think Topps or Hostess (Topps supplied the photos for Hostess) waited until the 1976 transactions were made and then let the painter go to work. As I've mentioned prior, the 1976 offseason was chaos with the first major free agent class and expansion taking effect with the Blue Jays and Mariners. They probably had all they could handle, and saved the guys who changed teams for last.

It makes for an interesting presentation in the binder because virtually the whole rest of the set shows players in actual uniforms with no embellishments.

There is just one other airbrushed card in the set. You saw it at the top of the post.

Reggie Jackson shows up early in the Hostess set yet got the airbrush treatment. You can see that is hanging out with the Oakland A's -- his team in 1975. Someone on Twitter speculated that the player behind Jackson is Bill North, who wore No. 4. But a closer inspection shows a white person and that there is a second number on the jersey.

I think it might be a coach but which one I don't know. In 1975, the A's coaches were Dal Maxvill (No. 41), Wes Stock (No. 42), Bobby Winkles (No. 43) and Bobby Hofman (No. 44). I thought at first it might be Hofman (wouldn't it be great if the number behind Jackson was his future number?) but the name doesn't look like Hofman. It doesn't look like any of the coaches names.

So I don't know who that is, and that is a tangent anyway.

The point of the post is Jackson is card No. 3 in the set, nowhere near the back with all the other airbrushed players. He is actually on the very first page, if you order it by number.

Again, speculation on my part, but I think Hostess wanted the first 10 cards to feature the most star power possible at that time. Jackson was in place at No. 3 (maybe as an airbrushed Oriole?) but then I bet someone had to scramble to get Jackson in an airbrushed Yankee helmet with the checklist already in place.
Anyway, that was a kind of a nifty thing to discover when I was paging the set. (P.S.: Yes the cards are double-bagged. Hostess, of all sets, should be double-bagged).


Nice catch. I typically ignore the airbrushing so I know that I hadn't caught it.
gcrl said…
I think it’s Joe Lonnett. He was a coach for the A’s in 1976 and wore 44 based on a scorecard I found online. Reggie wasn’t traded to the orioles until April 2, 1976 so the photo used would have been taken during spring training that year when he was still with the A’s? Assuming Reggie reported of course.

Don said…
The 79 hostess set is similar. I think the last 6 cards are airbrus
bryan was here said…
Bill Buckner (number 54) and Rick Monday (number 80) are also airbrushed.
Nick Vossbrink said…
Oh wow. Nice catch. I love the idea of using Hostess and OPC as 1970s Traded sets.
night owl said…
@bryan was here ~

Missed those two, should've worked on this post a little more before hitting publish. (Monday is card #30).
POISON75 said…
Mr Owl maybe Fran will be like my little girl her name is Sage we rescued her from a crowded house last year in March. She's 9 years old now & whenever daddy goes downstairs to the basement usually I get followed around & she helps me with my finding in my boxes as well binders as I get my stuff organized better. Hopefully Fran will help you with your Dodgers for years to come.
Anonymous said…
Our new kitty just had her 1st birthday. She's out of her mind.
haymay said…
i also think its joe lonnett in the background of reggie's card, lonnett is listed on wikipedia as an a's coach in 1976 wearing number 44
Old Cards said…
Like the head shots with batting cages, stadiums, coaches, etc, in the background.
carlsonjok said…
Three observations:

1. That page one has to be one of the most star-powered pages in all of baseball card history.
2. Fran looks lonely. You need to get your cat a cat.
3. I am the last person you should listen to when it comes to pets.
Fuji said…
A. Great observation.
B. Cute cat.
C. Beautiful set.
Grant said…
Welcome home, Fran!
1984 Tigers said…
Love the Munson card. Looking off into the distance with the newly renovated Yankees Stadium from 1976 in the background.

We've had 2 cats for 10 years. Amazing how the personality can be so different. Get out the catnip and enjoy.
When my eyebrows settled down after shooting up off of my forehead, I noticed something else... I have an uncut panel which features the Broberg/Rudi/Abbott combo, and then I looked at TCDB and found that all of the panels are in numerical order, so maybe the card numbers reflect the order in which each panel was 'put to bed'...?

Awwwwwwwwwww, Fran's a cutie!!!
1984 Tigers said…
The numbering sequence makes me suspect Hostess decided the 150 cards in the set sometime after the early November expansion draft. By late November most of the big names had signed (Rudi, Baylor, Grich). Reggie was too big to not keep on Page 1. Even though they had a few airbrushed cards before the final run, it would have made sense to the design staff to have the "easy" cards ready first - guys who didn't change teams. Then the airbrush crew could focus on the last 30 or so while they were choosing photos of the first 115 or so.
1984 Tigers said…
Having worked for years in manufacturing, the boxes we used were always made by some other company that specialized in boxes. Hostess may have sent them the templates for the earlier numbers first so the company could get a head start. Then send the airbrushed guys later. If I could time travel back one day to summer 1977, one of the things I would love to do is go to a grocery store and see if you could get all 150 cards at the same time or if they were staggered. Oh yeah, and find and buy a few cellos or rack packs with Dawson rookie on top.
Jafronius said…
Congrats on the newest baby Night Owl! Pets are never my idea either yet I've got dogs and fish and turtles and bunnies running and swimming and hopping about.