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You don't have to look at my want lists, please look at my want lists

I admittedly have a tough time updating my want lists these days.

Early on, my want list was just for myself. Written in a notebook or later on a spreadsheet, I was the only one who saw them. It didn't matter if they were updated, though I certainly got a thrill over crossing out a previous need in ballpoint pen. But if I skipped the process occasionally, it didn't matter.

Then I started a blog and people noticed and they started sending me cards and I added a want list to my own blog that was Very Important. People from far away consulted it and tried to keep it as up to date as possible. If I didn't, folks would send me dupes -- not their fault -- but I already had plenty of those.

Then TCDB came along, which was a much more efficient way to create and maintain want lists. I created one over there and now it is more accurate than the want lists on my blog. But I've kept the want lists on my blog because I think people still check them sometimes and also it's a little easier for me to work than the TCDB lists.

So yeah, now I have two want lists to manage. There's no time for that. And when the TCDB list is off, especially the part with the cards I have available for trade, that's when problems happen. Angst creeps into my want lists. Yuck! So there are times, I admit, when I want to get rid of my want lists and tell people they don't have to look at them, just send me some cards. Wouldn't that be nice and easier?

But, yeah, never mind, please look at my want lists.

I think GCA from The Collective Mind consulted both lists recently.

He had a couple of Clayton Kershaw cards for me and snooped around the lists to see if he could find some companions for the envelope journey.
Let's play Guess Which Want List with each of the other sends:
These two cards I'm pretty sure came from my TCDB want lists because I don't have a 1990 Pacific Legends want list on my blog. Either that or he took a wild chance that I didn't own them.

These two 1992 Gold Winner cards could have come from either list. I'm going to say my blog list with this one. I'm down to needing three of the Gold Winners to finish that team set. And I still need Roger McDowell to complete the regular gold set. Both parallels are updated on both want lists!

Let's see, the 1985 Donruss Gary Matthews and 1993 Conlon Jake Daubert could have come from either list. I'm saying blog list for both.

The 1978 Ron Blomberg I know came from my blog want lists. This was one of the few cards I need upgrades for from '78. I've had that upgrade list up for a long time and rarely gain a card from it. It will be nice swapping in this Blomberg.

I feel like I'm juggling a lot of things these days (this is why I don't mind letting Twitter go), and want lists are one of those things. I'm contemplating removing my blog want lists -- or at least scaling them down -- but I've also gone through a lot of online collector sites disappearing, so I feel like I need some sort of backup.

But I'm not going back to spreadsheets or a notebook. I'm done with that.


Nachos Grande said…
I, too, have been slowly phasing out my blog want list. You are correct, it's tough to keep both lists updated correctly. I've found that blog-to-blog trading has been almost nonexistent for me in 2024 so maybe it's time to pull the plug on the blog want list for good?
Upda ting is a double 4 letter word
POISON75 said…
This is why I don't put my wantlists on tcdb cause of having 2 listing is hard to manage having all 4 major sports on my wants is difficult already just having on my blog site is all I need hopefully that continues to be free to post otherwise I'm screwed again & the only way I would have anyone looking at my lists if they can read my mind.
Matt said…
I try to keep my blog and TCDB want lists simple. I could easily add 1000 more cards to them, but I'm resisting.
Grant said…
As for me, I consult your blog wantlist exclusively. I'm sure I could learn TCDB, but I've never tried it out before.
Michael D said…
updating the want list on TCDB seems to be easier for me to do. I always forget to update my list on my blog...then again, I'm having a hard enough time just updating my blog at all.
Fuji said…
I've got my want lists posted on another site... but have been thinking about putting my set needs on my blog. Can't imagine I'll get them up on TCDB until I retire in 8 or 9 years.
AdamE said…
If there is a way for other people to look at your TCDB list just put a link to that in place of your blog want list. I still use a google spreadsheet, so if you click on my want list it brings you to the spreadsheet. Maybe you can do the same with TCBD.
GCA said…
Glad to help. Not sure how I missed seeing this post. Anyway, written lists (even though I still have some) and spreadsheets are a downgrade from a web site or the database for sure. TCDB takes a lot of data entry, and you have to remember to delete stuff that you move in other ways, but in the long run, it's worth it.