Catching up with the post the other day in which I pleaded to folks to take some of my Dodgers dupes -- your requests have been noted. I'll gather what I have for specific player interests ( Jeremy doesn't know it until right now, but I sent an envelope to him Friday). Chris Johnson and Brett Alan are throwing caution to the wind and willing to take whatever cards I want out of the house. So, speaking of post-office trips, I stopped by before work Friday. There was no line and I was out of there with a little time to kill before going into the office. I decided to stop at Walgreen's on the way for a couple of items. I've mentioned before that Walgreen's is one of those drug stores on my list of offending outlets who either don't sell cards or make things difficult. Walgreen's has made things difficult. Its cards for the last four years are in a locked glass box, way back where the toys are, far away from the registers. If you want cards you have to...
I'll say one thing for March, it's never not interesting. I probably go on way too much about this month, but it keeps coming up with new and irritating ways to mess with my life. And I have a story to illustrate. Since it's March, we're in the thick of state high school basketball playoffs, along with collegiate hockey playoffs and, heck let's start the spring season earlier and earlier because there's nothing else going on this month. It's always the busiest month at work and getting busier. A co-worker was scheduled to work Thursday, Friday and Saturday and travel to cover our basketball teams in state play two of those days. On Friday, he sent a text saying he had a cold and wouldn't be in Thursday, he'd work from home. OK, no problem, nothing to cover that day. But late that night, I realized he did no work from home at all, and I had to do it, because we've been shorthanded since 2023 and we've got only two guys. Friday came a...