I've been through this charade before. So, after a little haggling, I let them put some new tires on my vehicle and I hit the mall while they did the dirty deed. To ease my pain, I hit the overpriced hobby shop that is right next door.
I didn't have much money, especially after taking a hit on the tires, but I knew I wanted to grab a couple packs of Finest for one reason only. And that is: I have never bought a pack of Finest in my entire life. Never. Shocking isn't it? But I'm still keeping my card collector badge.
So I was prepared to take the plunge. The guy behind the counter was giddy when I asked for Finest. Then he reached in the box and pulled out the last pack. There was no second pack. I looked at the other 2009 options. Base Upper Deck and Topps. Stuff I can find in retail. Then I heard myself say, "I'll take a pack of SPx." I don't know why I said that. I don't like SPx. But I'm happy I did say that. And with that bit of foreshadowing, let's see what I got:
FINEST PACK (5 cards in a pack)
Never heard of this guy. He's now playing in the Brewers organization. I turned the card over to try to figure out who he was and two things caught my attention.
But the other thing that drew my eye was the trivia question. The question asks: "Who is the only player to hit in four triple plays in one game?" I read that and immediately knew something was screwed up. Four triple plays in one game? Any player who did that would have burnt the stadium down. I certainly would have heard of it before.
No, the question should have been, "Who is the only player to hit into four triple plays in a CAREER?" And the answer is Brooks Robinson. And I'm sure that Brooksie thought four in a career was plenty.
And that completes the pack. Not a happy one. Certainly not worth the money. Time to open the SPx pack.

SPx PACK (Four cards in a pack -- but not this one)
#84 - John Smoltz, Braves. Pictured with the Braves, which is how things should be.

#571 - 20th anniversary Upper Deck retro shmetro Nolan Ryan gets last win of his career. The only thing good about this card is it was covering up this:

OK, on to the business at hand. To you Red Sox fans who are drooling, here are the ground rules. Red Sox bloggers with whom I've traded get first crack at this card. That means Pursuit of 80sness, Thoughts and Sox, Cardboard Icons, and possibly someone else I'm forgetting. Andy of Traded Sets also gets a shot because I know he likes the relics. Also, if you're a reader that I've traded with before, you get first crack, too. Send me an email if you're interested. I am looking for something Dodgerish in exchange. Something on a similar scale or vintagey. If I don't hear from any of those guys, then I'll listen to anyone else.
Nice pull in the SPx!
Nice pull, though!
Thanks for playing!