Don't worry, I'm not going down that easy. But I am posting a mighty short one tonight. And you might not see me again until 24 hours have passed.
So, here we go:
I ask you, what is the best part of one of my favorite night cards of all-time here?
a) the old-school Donruss design
b) the old-school ball player name (Elias Sosa, how great is that?)
c) the old-school Expos uniform
d) the old-school Expos cap
Aw, hell, that's a toughie isn't it? I'm making you choose between the uniform and the cap. Both equally great, oui?
The early '80s was a great time. Yeah, we were in a recession then, too. But who didn't love powder blue road uniforms and the Alan Parsons Project? Don't you dare raise your hand in response to that question.
yeah. powder blue unis and the app. good times.