You don't remember me, but I remember you.
It's been a long time. A quarter of a century to be exact. We used to see each other all the time, at right about this time. My Dodgers would play you on a regular basis in October, and I would be there, in front of the TV, forgetting that you were my Plan B team, suddenly hating you for getting in my team's way.
You were my first postseason villain, although a strangely dressed one, outfitted in redish caps and powder-blue jammies. You had a wild man for a shortstop and a powerful free-swinger for a third baseman, a big boy in left field, and my favorite non-Dodger in center, Mr. Maddox.

In 1983 you had new players, former Big Red Machine members (blecchh!), like Rose and Morgan (double-blecchh!). And you brought a new attitude. You were brash and determined, not the cuddly, clumsy Phillies that I used to know.

You won the battle that year. But then we went our separate ways for 25 years. Those were great times, 1977-83. I miss those times. We used to rule the world.
Now you're back. And I'm back. The players have changed. You have Burrell, Howard and Utley. My Dodgers have Ramirez, Martin and Loney. But it's good to see you again, old adversary. It's been too long.
I'll be in front of the TV this Thursday, watching you again, forgetting you're my Plan B team, and hating you for getting in the Dodgers' way. Just like the old days.
It's time to break out the polyester and get down! Good to have you back, Phillies. Now lose!
Now you're back. And I'm back. The players have changed. You have Burrell, Howard and Utley. My Dodgers have Ramirez, Martin and Loney. But it's good to see you again, old adversary. It's been too long.
I'll be in front of the TV this Thursday, watching you again, forgetting you're my Plan B team, and hating you for getting in the Dodgers' way. Just like the old days.
It's time to break out the polyester and get down! Good to have you back, Phillies. Now lose!
But its the 21st century now. None of these guys even remember 1983 (except for Charlie Manual who looks old enough to remember the 1st Phillies World Series appearance).
I'll be watching too but I'll be rootin' for the Phils.