The last two cards I needed to wrap up the wonderful Topps Allen and Ginter set arrived in the mail today from Stephen of The Easy Life. He heard my call for the Harriet Beecher Stowe card and the Wily Mo Pena card and sent them to me, along with some other absolutely terrific stuff that I will post about hopefully soon (seriously, it's going to take a concerted effort to produce an adequate stack of cards in return for Steve. But the wheels are in motion!).
Actually, two other bloggers are either preparing to send or have already sent those two cards to me as well. Steve just happens to be closer or work faster or both. Never fear, folks. I'll be more than happy to take your Stowes and Penas and send some cards your way. You are all too kind.
Meanwhile, I am very satisfied that Stowe is safely in the bottom left corner of sheet #18a in my A&G binder (I position the cards back-to-back in most of my binders to save on sheet costs).

So there you have it. This could very well be the only 2008 set I complete. And I am perfectly OK with that. It will be one of the completed sets I remember most because of the assistance I received from card bloggers far and wide. Here's to:
Steve from the Easy Life
Chris from Nachos Grande
Patricia and Lucy from Dinged Corners
Bailey from the Nennth Inning
I'll think of you guys every time I look at my A&Gs. Couldn't have done it without you.
(Meanwhile, I've got lots of doubles ...)