I don't have many football cards anymore. I sold just about all of them about two years ago. All that's left are a handful with special meaning tucked away in a binder, its location unknown.
But the football cards that Adam of Thoughts and Sox sent me will be reserved for that binder (as soon as I can find it), as well. Adam said it took him two days to find this Warren Moon 1990 Score card. Such dedication should be rewarded.
Also, Adam said he came across this other card when he was searching for the Score card:

Nor could he have known that the Bills have been my favorite NFL team for quite awhile now when he sent this "night card":

Then Adam sent me something that, at first, shocked me, then amused me:

The thing that alarmed me initially is I thought Adam penned it directly on the card. Silly me. It was written on the penny sleeve.
Of course, the football cards were only a side part of the package. The intent of the mailing was to send me one of the cards I needed to complete the A&G set. Another card blogger beat him to it, but I'm sure the Wily Mo Pena card will come in handy in some other deal.
Thanks, Adam. I'll be assembling some cards for you soon. Read his blog. There is good stuff on there, especially this post and this one. You have to like someone who appreciates The Bums.
That's about it for a few days. If you haven't voted in the poll at right, take a shot at it. And a happy Thanksgiving to all. Enjoy!