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Rainy day cards

Chaos continues to reign around here. Between the job upheaval, the malfunctioning keyboard, the constant stormy weather, I never know what I can do with the blog as the situation shifts almost by the hour.

Right now, miraculously, the keyboard is operating -- let's see at what point in this post that goes south -- so let's get try to get some words out between torrential downpours.
I have a few small card envelopes sitting on my desk that need to be recorded here. And they really have to get a move on because the absolutely drenched mailman delivered some absolutely drenched bundle of card packages today (no cards were harmed, don't worry). Once the boxes and envelopes dry off, they'll need somewhere to go, so the following cards need to make way:

I've completed my 20th TCDB trade. I know, that's not 100 trades like a couple other bloggers, but for a half-hearted trader like me, it's pretty good. Remember, I had zero desire to trade on that site until fairly recently (The desire still needs a kick in the pants, but I so lazy).
A deal was arranged with bklassen52 for yet more 2005 Topps needs. I'd love to get this set finished through TCDB, though someone over there recently offered some cards for payment, and I am not paying for 2005 Topps, sorry.

Some more Nifty Swell needs, too. The two guys on the bottom are all right, but we all know that Swell's Swellness comes from players like Walt Dropo inserted into the sets.
I also received the 1986 Fleer Dennis Martinez in this trade. One more toward completing that thing. 

This 2023 Kershaw insert came from pksteinberg on TCDB, you no doubt know him as a former card blogger and he's also a regular on Twitter. I was able to send him a Strawberry Dodger for this.

Interestingly -- and also annoyingly -- I now have the chrome parallel of Kersh but not the base insert card. Remember when they weren't paralleling inserts? Those were the rational days.

These two cards are my latest grabs from Diamond Jesters' Time Travel trades. I selected just two this time as I have zero time right now to go through the entire inventory.

The O-Pee-Chee card jumped right out at me -- who knows how many of these secret Dodgers cards lurk in OPC? The Jim Lyttle is an excellent upgrade for my complete 1974 set, which I put together as I was just getting back into the hobby and I wasn't exactly picky about condition.

Nine Pockets has cooked up even more excellent custom cards and let us bloggers claim a couple. These two spoke to me the most. I have so many of NP's cards now that I should do a ranking of my favorites.

He also sent a Pokemon owl. I know nothing about this. I have other similar owl cards that may be Pokemon or may be Magic the Gathering or something else magical fantastical. But this stuff all blends together and I have no idea what's what. I'll probably show it to my daughter/her boyfriend just to see if they freak out.

OK, that's all I've got. I'm just happy I made it through this entire post without wanting to hurl my laptop out in the rainstorm.

I want to have my traditional All-Star Game post up tomorrow but there are no guarantees right now.
See you when I see you.


you must have banged the keyboard just right, :)
Hackenbush said…
"Seinfeld" would make for a great set of cards. I'd be all over it.
Nick said…
That '73 Seinfeld mashup is excellent. Always love the Nine Pockets customs & I'm proud to say I have a few!
Doc Samson said…
Walt Dropo has to be one of the greatest names ever in baseball. Along with Razor Shines and Vida Blue.
bbcardz said…
Computer/laptop issues can be so frustrating. Went a couple of weeks without a working computer in April and I was not a happy camper. Had to spend some $$ to rebuild my computer but at least it's now upgraded and faster. Love the Kersh!
beefman said…
2005 Topps appear nicer each time I see them. What a great looking set!
1984 Tigers said…
Love the Martinez card. Looks like well before a game. Some guy with a beer belly (that would be me today, but I more like 160 lbs when that photo was taken!) off in the distance.

Nice smile and glove. He was a guy who had a nice career in Baltimore but faded and rejuvenated it in Montreal.

Won 245 games and had a perfect game.

Paul t
Nick Vossbrink said…
A damn shame Keith Ginter never got a Ginter card…
Fuji said…
I enjoy rainy days... but not to the point where it's flooding. Just saw on the news a river formed between houses in a neighborhood somewhere in Northern NY or Vermont. Very scary scene.
Jon said…
It's been very thunderstormy here too. Certainly an unusual start to the summer.
Jafronius said…
My youngest asked me what my favorite Pokemon was for some reason. I said the Rowlet, since the way the leaf sits under his face makes it look like he's wearing a bow tie and wants to look good during a battle.