It's pretty obvious that I enjoy '70s baseball and baseball cards more than baseball and cards from any other decade. I think I've made that rather clear in seven-plus years of posts. But because I enjoy self-examination so much and because I thought it might be handy to have it all in one place, I decided to review the reasons why I like '70s baseball and cards so much. These are solid, concrete reasons that need to be known. And I'm going to do this with some cards that I received recently from mr. haverkamp that all relate to the '70s. First, let's get the big one out of the way: 1. I was a kid then. Most of us view our childhood years through a nostalgic filter. The days were carefree, candy was 5 cents, the sun shined every day and the snowstorms were epic. We don't even notice that those last two memories conflict with each other. I'm not immune to this. In fact, I roll around in nostalgia too much. My childhood was pretty a
Up all hours talking baseball, cardboard & collecting