I had reservations about starting my own version of the Magnificent Seven or Dirty Dozen -- a want list of my absolute most wanted cards. It's a hectic time of year, which puts a damper on my ability to make trades. Also, I'm hesitant to add another want list to my sidebar. If it seems that all I'm doing on this blog is opening the guitar case, playing tunes on the street and begging for cards, please tell me.
But here I go anyway, putting out my tin cup. I call this want list: the Nebulous 9. These are nine cards that I really, really, want. But I call it a "nebulous" list, because my view of which cards I really, really want (I'll have you humming that Spice Girls song in no time) changes constantly. I had to force myself to think about which cards should be on this list, and it was agonizingly painful to leave other cards off the list.
So it's a list. But it won't stay in its current form for long. It will shape-shift and morph. It may shrink to 7 cards or balloon to 12. It's fickle, and a wanted card today may be as intriguing as something from '88 Donruss tomorrow. I recommend checking for updates.
But for now, these are the Nebulous 9. Now what's your role? It's simple. If you have these cards, you send them to me.
1. Russell Martin, 2009 Allen & Ginter, #180: That's the card featured at the top. I pulled the card during the great Gint-a-Cuffs saga back in July and never pulled another. My Dodger binder is lacking this solitary A&G card. When the house is quiet, I can hear it sobbing. (Received! Thanks, Joe!)
3. Dodgers team, 2008 Heritage, #457: It's a short-print, and it took me a heck of a long time to find the card for my set-completion task (still working on that to this day. What a grind those Heritage sets are). But I need one for my Dodgers collection, too.

5. Lenny Harris, 1991 Score, #144: Every time I admit I need this card, I can feel shame wash over me. How is it possible that there is a card from 1991 that I still need? There has to be over a million people that have at least 12 of this card. There is a guy in Antarctica who is burning a brick of '91 Score Harris cards for heat. (Received! Thanks, Captain Canuck!)

I would find something special for whoever might send this card to me. It might take me months to return the favor, but they would definitely be repaid.
While I'm at it, there are a few other Ceys I need that are not on the nebulous list (but ARE on my much bigger, industrial-sized want list).

But there are several other Cey cards that I'd like to have.

And that closes out The Nebulous 9. I left off a number of other cards that I need to complete sets, like the 2002 Jim Tracy Topps card and The 2007 Eric Stults Heritage card, and the 1996 Hideo Nomo Donruss card. But you may see those cards on the list soon. Because I can never limit any want list. In short, I want it all.
1982 Kellogs Ron Cey on their way to you tomorrow bud.
also, i would welcome any hand me downs from your package from joe (or any others for that matter). no, i am not too proud to beg!
75 mini cey in NM for 2.45 on ebay. just sayin