The Dodgers can gain a spot in the playoffs with a win tonight (or a loss by somebody. I think the Braves. The wild-card stuff gets so messy). It will be the second straight year for them, only the fourth time since I have been alive that the Dodgers have made the postseason in back-to-back years.
If they do clinch tonight, I'll be at work, unable to celebrate in a fashion that's reasonable and proper. So, I'll post some cards sent by Bud of
First Day Issue -- most of them Dodgers -- and add some salient (*ahem*) commentary, and nobody can say I didn't say anything about the Dodgers on the day they clinched.
First, a 2002 Stadium Club card of Paul Lo Duca. You'll note that Lo Duca is carrying his batting gloves while he runs. I've always wondered about this. Swimmers shave just about everything and sprinters wear disturbingly tight garb, all in the name of speed. But ballplayers can just carry around objects while they run? It seems so wonderfully lax.
What is Hideo Nomo's best side? Is it his right side?
Or is it his left side? And now is a good time to point out that two of my favorite Dodgers of all-time -- Nomo and Ron Cey -- each wore the No. 10. Now worn by third base coach Larry Bowa.

You cannot be blamed for thinking these are two 1985 Donruss cards. I thought the same thing, too. But several days later I looked at the back of the Marshall Diamond King and there is a French translation written there. That means only one thing to me: Leaf! But why no leaf on the Leaf? The leaf is the charm of Leaf!
A serial-numbered card. I feel obligated to show a numbered card even though I have nothing to say about it. It
is a First Day Issue, from a guy with a blog called First Day Issue. So that's something.
"Matches Hodges in Career Homers." Brain does not compute. A Dodger legend and a Dodger joke? Unpossible.

I'm showing this card just because the photo is so fun. There is so much going on in the photo, it's almost like a kid's activity book, except on a baseball card. In fact, look ...

You can count the out-of-shape guys in the background! I'm sure there are more in the stands, but my eyes are weak from staring at the computer all day instead of, you know, getting in shape.
I know you can't tell, but this card is biggie size -- 3 1/2-by-5. And that means the top loader is
super biggie size. I rarely go top loader shopping, so I didn't know there were top loaders this big. Cool!
Here is an archive card of the '52 Topps Pafko, which is one of the most significant cards in the history of collecting. Pafko is the first card, No. 1, in the 1952 set, the set considered the most important in collecting by many. Heck, that makes it bigger than Mantle, right? Do you know what kids from the '50s did to the No. 1 card in the set? They were merciless. They stuck it on top, wrapped it with six rubber bands, and then stuck their hands -- covered in licorice
Black Jack Gum juice -- all over the the top card. How many Pafkos survived that torture? That Pafko is Val. U. Bull.
I have a better chance of landing the original of this Archive card, which is from the 1960 Topps set. The best thing about this card, is the drawing of Snider on the left. Take a close look at the cap.
What did the artist think they were wearing on their heads in the '50s? That's the longest brim in history.
Bud also sent a card of a Badass Club member. This card is fantastic. Let's count the reasons:
1. The old-school Brewers logo (by the way, it pains me to call anything from 1981 old-school).
2. Gorman's chaw
3. Gorman's mustache
4. Gorman's eye black
5. Gorman's sweat-covered hair
6. Gorman's yellow wrist bands
Cool! More Badass! Badass Bellbottomed Basher George Foster! From the Upper Deck '70s set! I love that set! I can't stop yelling!
Wow, it just got better. A jersey card of the Penguin. And I don't even mind that it's "Game-Used Pants." I mean how else will I build my Ron Cey replica uniform made out of tiny jersey/pants swatches?
Another fine, thoughtful card package, Bud (who just happens to live in Cey's home state). Thanks.
Now, Go Dodgers!
I just wanted to use the word pluck in a comment.