Look at Roger Cedeno's arm! It's on fire! It's on fire! Call the PO-lice! What did people think of these Metal Universe cards back in the '90s? Did they think they were awsome? Because now they just look awesome in a so-bad-that-they're-good way.
This is just one of the many, many cards I received from Cliff at
Capewood's Collections, one of my favorite card blogs (and music blogs and book blogs and Christmas ornament blogs, etc.). I had sent him a couple of '87 Topps and a few Phillies and Astros, and he mailed off over a 100 Dodgers, most of which I didn't have. Cool!
I featured the Cedeno card at the top because I need a little warmth around here. It's another day in the Northeast and another snow day for my daughter (at this rate, she's going to be in school on the 4th of July to make up for the time she's missed). We're having a nice little snow/sleet storm, and all the schools are closed. And what better way to think warm thoughts than think of my favorite team from L.A.? (plus, Cliff's there in Texas, probably all nice and toasty).
The Metal card isn't even the best Cedeno card I received. This is:

Cedeno upending Keith Lockhart (who shares his name with a famous
music conductor) on a 1999 Topps card. I received several '99 Dodgers from Capewood, all needed because Cliff found those want lists! Here's a bunch more I needed:

Bill Madlock, 1986 Fleer. I've never seen the sky so gray over Dodger Stadium as on this card. It's weird. And the stadium is so empty. Must be the second inning (I kid!).
On to a few '90s cards and the wacky things they did way back then:

Raul Mondesi, 1994 Pinnacle. Pinnacle had a fascination with gold, as you all know. It's in three different spots on this card. But even that can't keep you from fixating on that woman in the stands having a drink.

Todd Hollandsworth, 1996 Select Certified. Both shiny and curly. Card companies really went all out on Hollandsworth cards in the mid-1990s. He had an OK career, but he was no superstar.

Tim Wallach, 1994 Studio. I was wondering how they got each player to pose in front of their locker like that. But then I figured they probably just took separate photos of the player and the locker and then paired them up. I think.

Manny Mota, 1994 Upper Deck. These cards are the inspiration for the subset/insert cards in the 2008 Timeline series. And I'm thinking they're the precursor to the disjointed confusion of the '08 Documentary cards. This card shows Mota as both an Expo and a Dodger, lists Mota as an Expo, lists his greatest season with the Pirates, then talks about his feats as a Dodger. Oh, I'm so

Pat Perry, 1991 Score and Jeff Treadway, 1994 Stadium Club. I love getting cards of players I don't remember ever playing for the Dodgers. I vaguely remember Perry with L.A. Treadway? Not a bit. He was good for 84 bats combined in '94 and '95.
Cliff also sent several cards each from a number of sets, including:

1990 Fleer Update (this card of Dave Hansen is especially cool. Look at the coach grinning off in the background).

1993 Pinnacle (Henry Rodriguez didn't have quite the career that I feared he would have after he left the Dodgers. For awhile there I was ruing the day that he went to Montreal).

1993 Leaf (this is an interesting photo. I think the umpire has just called a batter out on strikes and then Hernandez has just thrown the ball to third, perhaps to catch someone off base? I don't know. It's odd).

1993 O-pee-chee (love the OPC. This looks like Ramon sent a postcard of himself. Great card).

A bunch of 1994 Fleer! (I received even more than I'm showing here. A great set).

And a bunch of 1997 Topps! (Another set I like a lot, even though green is an odd color for the Dodgers. There's another good Cedeno card at the top left. He's at Wrigley and all the green in the photo goes nicely with the card).
Those are a whole lot of cards that I like! Thanks to Capewood's Collections. And, I've almost forgotten how cold it is.
The downside to nice winters is that come about April, it will be over 90 just about every day until October.
the first time i tried to post this, the word verification was 'grabme'. must have caused some sort of malfunction because i had to type my comment again!