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I've been waiting for this

One of the technological improvements of our era that may not really be an improvement is the constant notifications about your purchase.

If you've ordered online, you know what's coming: a deluge of updates about the status of your order. It often goes something like this:

Thank you for your purchase!
Order confirmed/received
Order packaged
Order shipped!
(Long pause, that lasts anywhere from three days to three weeks or more)
Order out for delivery
Order delivered

As a veteran of requesting things through the mail -- I've been doing this since the method was cutting order forms from cardboard cereal boxes -- I don't need nearly that many updates. In fact, it gives me slight anxiety to get all those. And the times when I'm informed that the order has been delivered and it has not, well, is there anything equally inconsequential that's better at putting you in a foul mood for the day?
I've periodically longed for the days of waiting four-to-six-to-eight weeks through COMPLETE SILENCE. You want to know when your package is arriving? You'll know when it's on your front step, bud. Maybe that was better?

We waited through changes of seasons to get a package back then, and, yes, it was frustrating, but there wasn't nearly as much angst.

But I get that's the way of online businesses and how they survive. It just makes me feel like I'm waiting longer for a package than I actually am sometimes.

The latest example is the latest group of cards from the This delivery -- which arrived today -- actually developed sometime back in early February when Steven sent me some pictures of Dodgers and asked if I needed any.

I needed a lot of them. But then Steven was dealing with health issues and I was dealing with a money crunch and time passed. Finally, I said I was ready to go and the email updates started rolling in. And so did the anxiety and impatience. I've got to get a grip on that.

Fortunately all that is now gone and the cards are here. Lots of great stuff. Everything was 20 cents apiece, so a lot of cool acquisitions. And the Inception Michael Busch up top was a throw-in I didn't expect!
Let's see.

The gold Legends Of New York cards from 2001 are aspects of the set I knew nothing about for years. I don't know if they were short-printed within the set or it's just the fact that Yankees are on them so they were in higher demand. But these four officially complete the team set for me (and, yeah, I thought the team set was finished long ago before I knew about these).

Another team set complete after it's languished at just three Dodgers in my collection for YEARS. The final five cards I needed to finish 2002 SP Legendary Cuts. Carl Erskine's finally joined his buddies. That's a ballgame I'd like to see.

Steven asked me about my 2022 Pristine Dodger needs and that's a set I don't even think to search out, probably didn't even know it was a set. Now I've got my first six cards from the set, plus a refractor of the Duke.

The Pristine cards came with a nice Clayton Kershaw insert. Fancy.

 I'm not much of a fan of the Panini Prizm cards but I know there's a big segment of collectors who love them so I appreciate that I have them and cheaply, too.

There were lots of other Panini Dodgers, too. This could be the last large lot of Panini cards I ever receive. I know I won't be going out of my way to order a bunch all at once.

I'll get these Bowmans out of the way, too, before moving on to cards more my speed. It's difficult for me to believe I don't already have those 2019 Bowmans but I went over the list of cards Steven lined up, and then Steven double-checked himself, and these passed the test.

Moving on to some 1990s needs -- the Karros completes my 1999 Finest team set! A couple of these are parallels that I had only passing knowledge of (and I can't tell you what they are right now) but I appreciate Steven being my Answer Guy. What kind of completist am I?

Oh yes, there was diecut action, too. That Eric Gagne barely feels like a card.

Some more modern parallels and inserts, a couple of those Generation Now inserts have been pesky, probably because my interest in current inserts has waned.

There are always O-Pee-Chee cards on the site. I need more 1980s OPC Dodger cards than I think I do. Here are two off the list.

Wrapping things up, a bunch of random cool items (the Strawberry completes that Broder set from '91). Yes, that's a '75 Topps Ron Cey. You offer one up to me and I've got to take it!

Now that the cards are in my grubby little hands and I'm in full updating mode, all the angst about the arriving process seems a little silly. I know companies are just trying to help us out with all of their updates.

But really if you cut that list down to ...

Order Shipped
Order Delivered

... I'll be fine.


Fuji said…
I agree with you on the overabundance of shipping updates. I typically ignore and even delete without reading the emails. The only time I do appreciate them is when something is taking extra long to arrive. Then I become curious and want to know where my cards are.

As for your baseballcardstore haul... you can't go wrong with picking up team pc needs for 20¢ each. I've been going a little crazy over at Sportlots and with shipping I'm probably averaging between 25 and 30 cents per card.
carlsonjok said…
I really like this SP Legendary Cuts cards. I think I got a few years ago when there was a seller at the local shows that had dozens of 5000 count boxes full of all sorts of oddballs, inserts, and parallels. I haven't seen that guy since COVID. Which is too bad because I usually tried to drop a 20 at his tables on things that I liked just because.
Brett Alan said…
I'd be happy if eBay envelopes didn't send me messages telling me they arrived when they haven't.
Old Cards said…
Just received a package yesterday that took 10 days to arrive. I was getting anxious. Nice array of cards, but that familiar 1975 Ron Cey at the end of the post was a welcome sight. You are my source for modern cards. Otherwise, I would pay no attention to them.
Matt said…
That pristine Kershaw is really sharp!
Chris said…
90s inserts ftw! Love that Mondesi die-cut and the Osuna Mirror Gold brings back memories. Those things seemed so unattainable at the time.

I've definitely become more impatient and annoyed by needless notifications in my old age. And while I appreciate Steven's customer service, the long turnaround time and constant changes with their price model were too much for me.
Grant said…
Such a well tailored package. I like the Konerko and the die-cut Nomo the most.
1984 Tigers said…
Those duo NY cards from UD are cool. 2001 was a time when I barely had time.or money to buy anything. Mainly filled up on early 1960s Post and the 60 and 61 Fleer ATG sets. Two kids in 3 years made it crazy
Bo said…
I have an email account I use just for purchasing things online and nothing else. This is one of the reasons why.
cardstacks said…
The worst is when the updates stop before delivery and the order is just in limbo. I gave a sizable COMC order in this state right now, and I’m nervous.

My favorites from this post are the die-cut 90s inserts. Give me those all day.
Derek said…
Waiting on my next shipment from Steven. Can't wait!