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The best Dodger card for every year I've collected, 2024 update

It's tradition around here at this time to select the best Dodgers card from the year's Topps flagship.

I've done this post every year on the blog since 2017, although I skipped it in 2018 for an unknown reason. (Probably the prep work was too long). And it's rooted in me selecting my favorite Dodger card way back in the late 1970s and then continuing it each year.

It's now time for the 2024 selection, and like last year -- and probably the last few years -- the candidates aren't too exciting, because Topps has to crop out everything exciting. I don't know the exact reasons, but I'm betting they're modern-and-stupid.

So once again we have a lot of batters batting and pitchers pitching mixed in with a few yellers yelling but virtually nothing on the periphery or in the background.

Here is my selection of finalists:

Can you feel the excitement?! This year's design is so good that the lack of interesting photos doesn't bother me too much. 

Unlike last year, there are quite a few horizontal cards in the Dodgers team set. Anytime Clayton Kershaw is on a horizontal card, it's a likely candidate. Same with Walker Buehler. But I didn't consider either one seriously.

This likely would be a lot of people's favorite and I really want to pick it as my favorite, too. But I cannot get past that Hernandez is completely photoshopped into a Dodgers get-up. It's just not real enough for me.

The natural default is to go to the other Hernandez. Enrique Hernandez winning this year's Best Dodger card was even predicted by a couple people in the comments of last year's post. He always produces an interesting card.

This card follows the tradition but I went in a different direction this year.

Yeah, Miguel Vargas is this year's winner. He's not even on the team anymore -- but, heck, he's not the only one in this year's team set. What I like about this photo is Vargas clearly running home with the winning run, his helmet flying off and -- what's this? -- a BACKGROUND of teammates cheering him on!

For a background alone, this card gets the win.

Here is the full team set, not including those combo cards with players from other teams on them. That's 28 cards, which is seven more than last year.

And here are all the previous winners. I've carried out on my threat to photograph them all at once instead of scanning-and-uploading each one, which made me want to claw my eyes out.

Not the most straight assemblage there. Not a lot of time again. Also I shot this before selecting the 2024 winner.

I've mentioned in past versions of this post that I have not changed any of the winners from selecting them at the time. This is the reason for somewhat off-the-wall picks like Bob Welch and Rudy Law (I was like 14 then, but if you were a fan at the time, you'd know why I picked them). Next year I may update my picks, just to keep this post somewhat fresh.

As for the current Dodgers, they're still hanging on with a couple weeks to go. Will they hold off those evil Padres and Diamondbacks? Who knows?!? The team is held together with a few pieces of Scotch tape.

Everyone knows that the mission in 2024 is just get to the playoffs and hope the Chaos God deems you the lucky winner. Not my idea of how the playoffs should be run, but if I want to follow the sport, I guess I have to get in the current spirit.

Just please, no Diamondbacks vs. Yankees.


kcjays said…
Not to criticize, but I don’t see Mookie’s card - #250.

Every year when I read this post I think, I need to do this for my Royals collection. Of course thinking about it and doing it are two different things.
John Bateman said…
Now for the best of the best Dodger cards.

I would go
88 Lasorda (near perfection)
09 Kershaw
89 Tudor (never noticed how cool that card looked)
76 Marshall
75 Cey (because of the design)
83 Stewart (most 83s look really good)
08 Ethier (Partial to the design)
night owl said…
@kcjays ~

That 'no tim'e thing cropping up again.

If I find any, I'll rearrange, reshoot and reupload. That may happen ... let's see here ... maybe Saturday.
Old Cards said…
The 75 Cey stands out as far superior to any of the rest. Not sure why Welch and Law are considered off-the-wall picks.
POISON75 said…
Hernandez card looking like the first time we saw Harry Potter trying to raise his broomstick but I feel like voting on Kershaw the best Dodgers card for 2024
Fuji said…
A. Enrique and Teoscar are my two favorites... with the bat flip edging out the well-cropped action shot. Topps did a nice job on the photoshop job. I had no idea about that until you pointed it out.

B. I don't want to see a Diamondback vs. Yankees World Series either... but I wouldn't mind seeing a Padres vs. Yankees rematch.
Matt said…
The Enrique doesn't quite score as high on the Enrique scale of Enrique-ness (trademark pending) as past Enriques...still better than 90% of the cards in the set though!
Brett Alan said…
Yeah, seeing all the cards from this year's set--they're nice cards, for the most part, there's just no variety to it. Just having some portraits in there would help. I might have gone with the Chris Taylor though.