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Sweet (16)

I used to get writer's block when I was a young sportswriter. This was maybe 30 years ago, every once in awhile I would struggle with how to start a story, whether it was after coming back from a game or beginning a feature.

It was the worst. I'd stare, get up and walk around the office, type out a few sentences and then delete them. And I was on deadline a lot of those times, too, so the stakes were a little high.

That doesn't happen to me anymore. Hasn't for years. Just yesterday, I had to pound out a feature story the afternoon before I went to work -- I had just done interviews the day before. So within 24 hours, I did the interview, transcribed the notes and wrote the story, this while doing my other job -- and life -- duties, too.

I had zero trouble coming up with a lead, I knew how I was going to start as I was driving away after the interview. The story just flowed the next afternoon. And that night, looking it over, I caught just one typo (although there's probably something stupid taunting me off the newspaper sitting behind me). If only the cub sports reporter knew what I'd be like years later.

That's the way it is with this blog, too. I don't spend days trying to get a post to work or stare vacantly at the screen. These posts write themselves. My main problem these days is finding the time to write something.

But today I'm in a rut. It's the 16th anniversary of this blog and there is no time AND I have no topic -- that I haven't covered before. I guess that's to be expected on post 5,593.

Oh, yeah, actually I do have a topic, which I've hesitated about mentioning today.

I've decided to ditch the darkness theme of this blog. It was a good hook all these years, especially in the earlier years. But I think everyone is over making their blogs cutesy with some "this is me" theme. I haven't had a lot of people complain they couldn't read white-on-black type but there have been maybe 5 or 6 mentions over the years.

I get it. Trying to do what I've been doing for 16 years in newsprint almost never works. You have to bump the type point size up to like 16 point and who wants to read a whole story with that big ol' type if you're not 78 with cataracts?

I'm a blogger in 2024, people have all kinds of reasons for not reading blogs. I shouldn't give them another excuse to stay away. At least it'll be more readable.

So look for that when I HAVE THE TIME to experiment.

So while I was wondering whether thinking of altering my blog look was interesting enough for an anniversary post, the mail arrived. It was a package from Dave, of Dave sends great cards fame. He  sent me a package on my blog anniversary!

Now we're talking!

He told me he'd send the 2024 De La Cruz rookie and there it is! Series 1 is finally complete, rookie hoarders!

Of course, that wasn't all. Dave doesn't work that way. I don't have much time to display cards in proper fashion so you're just going to get them all in clumps.

Dodgers New Age Performers. I have all these for the team collection, so they'll go to the main insert set pursuit. These might be the most 1970s thing that Heritage has ever created.

More 2024 Heritage insert action. A few Baseball Flashbacks, there's that Brock again. I wish Topps would have found an Eck in color. It's not like it's worried about time-appropriateness with this set.

A bunch of Then and Nows. I was really lacking in these and I want them all, thanks to the 1970s guys on one half of the card.

Heritage Dodgers parallels! You have my attention! Love adding these.

A nice stack of 1983 Donruss. Dave wasn't quite sure what to send because I don't have a want list going for this set yet but maybe this will get it started!

A mess of Hostess. There is no time to go through these and see what I need, what are upgrades and what is possible trade material. But the weekend is coming!

Got some random Dodgers, too. Again, this needs time to evaluate.

But getting back to the De La Cruz ...

It showed up wrapped just like this and I didn't know there was something behind it until removing the team bag and card.

This is what lurked behind!

Both of these are needed, a 1953 Bowman Carl Furillo and a 1939 Play Ball Babe Phelps! Looks super-nifty, too!

That's a very nice anniversary gift.

There will be more to write about in the next year, I'm quite sure. I won't say it's just as easy as it's been all the previous years, but I'll always quest to be as prolific as possible. And maybe you won't have to squint to read it.

Thanks for reading, those who stuck with me -- as I enter year 17 without any writer's block (but maybe with some rambling).


Old Cards said…
Happy 16th anniversary! Before I retired, my job got a lot easier in the last several years. Great cards from Dave. Be kind with the changes. I'm getting close to 78 with cataracts.
Ginko-5 said…
Happy sixteenth! Though I can't say I've been reading for all sixteen years, I definitely appreciate what you write!

On a side note, I noticed that on your Then and Now cards Rich Gossage is wearing the White Sox shorts, which is AMAZING. An interesting idea from Bill Veeck, to say the least.
Congrats! on 16, now you have a license to proceed another decade plus.....just watch the speed limit, um I mean small fonts.
bryan was here said…
Congrats on 16! Personally I prefer the white on black, I have everything set to black on both my phone and computer. So much easier for me!

I need to get that Gossage/Clase card!
Wrigley Wax said…
Happy 16! And a note on that Gossage card…the picture is from 1976 though the card says 1975. Veeck bought the team after the 1975 season and they first wore those goofy uniforms in 1976.
Doc Samson said…
Congrats, Mr. Owl! Well done! Please give us another sixteen.
Congrats on 16! Your blog is what got me into blogging. I am pretty awful at it but this hobby is a nice break from my day job. I think it's awesome to know there is a fairly small community spread all over the country that enjoys collecting for the fun of it and are willing to share their exploits!
kcjays said…
Happy Anniversary!
As previously mentioned by Ginko-5, I haven’t been reading for all 16 years but I’ve sure enjoyed the last 10 or 11 years. Looking forward to reading many more posts, in whatever format you decide upon.
Congratulations 🎈
carlsonjok said…
16 years? 2008 doesn't seem too long ago until I think about everything that has happened in my life since then. I started my blog 14 years ago and in that time I have made 696 posts. You crossed that threshold in December of 2009, less than a year and half after you started. The fact that you can still put out quality after nearly 5600 posts is amazing.
Grant said…
That's a nice mail day! I prefer the black background, it's easier on my eyes.
Congratulations, and many happy returns! (Sweet package, too!)
Bo said…
Happy anniversary! It's always enjoyable reading what you write.
CardBoredom said…
Congrats! I think a retrospective of how your collection has evolved over the past 16 years is in order. There are lots of opportunities for fun with numbers (e.g. number of cards in/out the door, number of sets completed, how many of your Dodger cards from each era would fit into past and present Dodger ballparks, estimate of how much all this weighs, etc.). Could make an interesting post with which to debut the new look.
Nick said…
Belated congrats on your Sweet 16! I liken the sheer history and output of this blog to monumental stats like Cy Young's 511 wins or Ty Cobb's .366 career average - numbers that are simply mind-boggling & will never be touched.

(Always love seeing that "Bert Hooten" Hostess fiasco make an appearance on the blogs!)
Fuji said…
Happy anniversary! I've always been amazed at the amount of content... and the quality of the content you publish. So reading that your blog posts write themselves totally makes sense. Just like I've accepted that I'll never golf like Tiger or rap like Biggie... I know I'll never be able to write like you. Keep up the great work Greg!
Happy 16th anniversary! Thank you for getting me back into the hobby. Not only have you rejuvenated my love of collecting, but you have given my daughter and I something meaningful to bond over.

I look forward to another 16 years and I'm only up to October 2013 in the archives, so lots to catch up on.
Matt said…
Happy 16th Blog Anniversary! I envy you. I've been in a post writing rut for a few weeks now!
Jon said…
Happy belated anniversary, Mr. Owl!
Michael D said…
Realize I'm late to the game, but Congrats on 16 years. You have been a good friend to me and I have always enjoyed reading your blog.