But, apparently, not wary enough. Out of the eight packs, I pulled one base card I needed. Andrew Miller. Ridiculous. I mean I'm not 5 cards away from completing the set. I'm almost 40 cards away. And why are the same short-prints pulled over and over again? Billy Butler. B.J. Ryan, Adrian Gonzalez. I have three or four of each. Are some more short-printed than others? Should we start the congressional investigation?
Some say buying A&G blasters at this stage is still a good time because of the minis. I agree with that. And I did get minis I needed. I also got this:

Fortunately, as you may have heard, other people are collecting the Allen & Ginter set. It appears to be somewhat popular. So I have been swamped with A&G trade offers. I can't even get to all of them.
But it's certainly helped me toward the completion of the set. Because blasters aren't helping a bit. Still looking for my first relic out of an '09 A&G blaster, too.
Here are some of the A&G acquisitions that I've made recently. Maybe the best part of these trades is other non-A&G cards have come with most of the exchanges. I'll show some of those, too. I'll keep the commentary to a minimum because it's too warm to do anything, even type, even in the middle of the night.
First, there is Brian, who either has a blog or is in the process of creating one. I've really got to start keeping better track of that stuff:


OK, on to Beardy, forever known as the creator of Gint-a-Cuffs. He has a few spare A&G cards on him I think.

Next is Ed of Roll Out the Barrel. Ed's not collecting A&G. He's against non-baseball folks in sets. Maybe "against" isn't the right word. Let's just say they don't appeal to him. That's cool. Because it netted me a bunch of A&G I didn't have!
On to the non-A&G Dodgers!

Next are some A&G cards that were given out in the Tribe Cards group break just last week. The cards are already in my hands! David moves fast.
Dave actually packed the cards I received in an A&G wrapper, as if it was an actual unopened pack. The pack was sealed super tight. I wished I had one of those chipmunks to get it open. But when I finally opened it, I think I got a loaded pack. There were two minis in there and a mess of Dodgers.
Lastly, I'm showing one simple card from Chris of Ballcard Mania. I saw it on his blog a little while ago and expressed an interest in it.
Chris sent it out to me for nothing. I'm sure I'll find something in return for him eventually, but wasn't that nice to send out another Kershaw for my collection?

Thanks everyone for curing my blaster blues. You have rendered Topps' diabolical poor collation tactics useless. You have neutralized the power of the blaster. And you keep your chipmunks in their cages, where they belong.