But no one has surprised me more by his ability to keep showing up in a major league uniform than Rudy Seanez, featured on this 2008 Upper Deck night card. His career has spanned 20 years. Can you believe that? I can't. He pitched for the Dodgers on two different occasions, including appearing in 73 games in 2007, but I was never all that impressed with anything he did. Such is the life of a reliever.
The thing that most amuses me is how many teams want the guy and then how many teams don't want the guy. Some Rudy Seanez facts:
-- Teams traded for him five times
-- Teams released him six times (the Red Sox released him twice)
-- He has played for eight teams (Indians, Padres, Dodgers, Braves, Padres again, Braves again, Rangers, Red Sox, Royals, Marlins, Padres a third time, Red Sox again, Padres a FOURTH time, Dodgers a third time, Phillies)
-- He also has been a member of three teams for which he never played a major league game -- the Mets, Cubs and Angels.
Please note that Seanez is not left-handed. Lefties seem to hang on forever. But Seanez is a righty.
Some other Seanez facts, according to the quasi-reliable wikipedia:
-- He is 40 years old. He made his major league debut on Sept. 7, 1989.
-- He apparently is a dedicated weight-lifter and mixed martial arts follower who has trained with UFC fighters.
-- He's got a whole bunch of tattoos
Also, baseball-reference.com says his nickname is "Action Traction." What's that mean? He's good in the snow?
Seanez is now pitching for Salt Lake City, the Angels' Triple A farm team. I kind of hope it's not the end of the line for Rudy. I'd like to see him pitch in a fourth decade. Wouldn't that be something?