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Thankful for being thought of

It's Thanksgiving week and I don't know how much I'm going to address the holiday the next few days, so I'll do it here with this post.
I've mentioned before that I'm not a super social person, probably a given for someone who is a writer and into blogging. I'm not out in the community and although I've lived in the same spot for almost 30 years, there are plenty of people in town who have no idea who I am. The interaction I get from, say a store clerk, is the same as if I was someone stopping by while driving through from Kansas.
That's on me as much as anyone else and often why I'm not thought of in real life the way others are. I'm too reserved.
That's why I'm thankful to be thought of here. It happens all the time. People find cards and then they think, "hey, maybe night owl can use these." That's great. Not only does it make me feel good, but I don't have to spend a bunch on product all the time to boost my collection. I have lots of helpers.
Speaking of which, I got a package over the weekend from Joe, from the old Cobb and Halladay blog, who has sent me great stuff in the past. He's over on X now and sent me a message recently -- "you have these?" No I do not! Let's GO!
OK, avert your eyes vintage fans, these are nothing but Dodgers from the last three years (except for Campy up there).

Some minis first, three from this year's Allen & Ginter and one Topps 206 from whatever year. Topps needs to stop spreading sets across multiple years and also probably not coming up with ideas that do nothing but confuse the hell out of me.

Flaming Turners. Can't say I miss Topps Fire, the whole hobby/retail parallel thing was too much for my brain, too.

Some sepia parallel action. Not my favorite parallels but better than those awful negative refractors. The sepia Stadium Club parallels make me miss the orange parallels from a few years ago. I really liked those.

The Stadium Club red parallels are more fun! Some SC reds are better than others, depending on the design. These are somewhat muted in comparison -- you know me, I like my bright displays.

A whole bunch of Allen & Ginter X from last year. I like this X a lot better than the social media X, though I've pretty much ignored the A&G X cards the last couple years.

All right, you probably saw some Kershaws in those previous pictures. Here are some more! Joe is not afraid to send me Kershaw cards! Be like Joe!!!

I kind of rushed this package ahead of the pile because: a) there's not a lot of time today and b) I'm almost done with my most recent Dodgers binders update, all that's left is 2021-23, so I can squeeze these cards into the binders without them waiting like four months for the next update!

It's the small things, you guys.

Like thinking of me. Thanks for thinking of me. It means quite a bit actually.


Nachos Grande said…
Funny, I have almost the exact same sentiments already written out for my Thanksgiving day post (yes, I try to schedule posts ahead of time when I'm able to)! I hear you on not being overly social, I suspect many of us on the blogs fit into that category.
kcjays said…
For some reason I like the Allen & Ginter X, although I don’t actively put together a Royals team set.

Wishing you and your readers a wonderful Thanksgiving! 🦃
Matt said…
Have a great Thanksgiving!!
Grant said…
I'm thankful for you posting as often as you do. It's part of my daily online reading. I'll have to shoot you another package soon.
Chris said…
That Campy at the top is a winner. The Kershaw parallels are nice, too. I forget that Kimbrel was a Dodger. How many teams has that guy played for?

happy Thanksgiving Night Owl!
Fuji said…
Outside of my work environment... I'm not very social either. It's weird, because when I was younger (high school and earlier), I loved being around others. That being said, I do love the interaction among bloggers and fellow collectors. Much more comfortable communicating with a keyboard :D

Happy Thanksgiving!
Jafronius said…
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
Jon said…
I'm pretty much a ghost in real-life. I would say that, as an adult, 99% of my interactions with other people occur online. This isn't necessarily by choice, but even so, I'm still very thankful for all of those interactions.