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Always there

It's getting more and more difficult to fill the newshole -- industry term -- in a newspaper sports section these days.

I won't get too much into the reasons why because: 1) it's still my job; 2) the rant will amount to the longest post ever; 3) you don't care, just look how many people have newspaper subscriptions. But just to transition to the cards more easily, I will say that NFL copy is always there for me.

I've written about his before. The NFL never stops. There's no offseason anymore. It's June -- where once football would go silent for like four months until late July camps, now I can depend on a roundup of NFL news every single day. Granted, a lot of it is the stupid he said-he said, he said-she said, she said-she said stories that now pass for "news" in sports journalism (the latest example: the Caitlin Clark foul heard round the world). But empty space doesn't sell, so NFL it is!
The NFL is filling space on this blog today, too. I don't have a lot of time (again) and football cards are the most available and quick thing for me to write about today. See? The NFL is always there for me -- and for you, if you care about football cards.

I received a surprise send of three 1979 Topps football needs from The Chronicles of Fuji recently. He must have been spurred on by my card show post last month. Feels good to add these as I'm in the difficult final 60 cards or so from this set. 

Out of curiosity I looked up which running back now holds the record for most receptions in a season. It's Christian McCaffrey with 116 in 2019.

I know I shouldn't be chasing another football set until 1979 is done (and like 25 baseball sets are done) but I can't resist readily available 1976 football. One of the greatest football designs ever, even if the pictures are pretty static here. I adore football bench shots from the '70s and '80s. That's where football cards really took a nose-dive, when they scrapped bench shots.
These cards came from Diamond Jesters in another Time Travel swap. I'll be putting together a return send to Matt soon. I also got the 1985 Matt Malone card at the top of the post from him. Another casual collection project from a design I like that is easily obtained because they are always there.
But I know some are saying, gee whiz, isn't there any baseball on this thing?
Yeah, a little.

Fuji also sent the last 1980 Dodgers Police card I needed to finish that set. One of these days I'm going to stash all these oddly shaped sets into ill-fitting pages just to be done with it. But I still hope there's a page out there that I haven't discovered that will fit them perfectly.

And I also put in for a couple baseball cards in the Diamond Jesters Time Travel Trade. Two infielders. Well, one an infielder/outfielder and one who makes you guess at what position he plays.

Both of these sets are ones I could see collecting some day but neither are favorites and I don't ever see the enthusiasm being there, but who knows.

But that's the end of this post. I need to move right from this to writing a track and field story in order to fill some sports section space with something, anything other than football.


Old Cards said…
Thanks for including the baseball at the end and thanks for blogging in between working. I bought a complete 1993 set in 1993 and it had not occurred to me that there was no position on the front until your recent post. Of course, unlike my vintage cards, I never look at them. I am extremely tired of hearing about the Caitlin Clark foul whether you're for or against.
Fuji said…
It's not just a newspaper thing. Football rules sports radio too (at least in my area). This is especially true when the 49ers are good (like they are right now). I'd say basketball is 2nd and baseball is a very distant 3rd.
BaseSetCalling said…
Pink football sighting! I really need to do that team set.

I always figure it’s toughest on my local newspaper sports page when the High Schools are out for the summer. Eventually though, being a Salmon fishing port, those tournaments kick up great local content.

And I’m guessing you don’t have enough Commonwealth/Empire expats around to go big with the Cricket upset of the year.

In my travels, it is Always NFL. The most common response to a mention of Baseball is “what channel is it on?” If Yzerman succeeds in getting the Dead Wings back into the playoffs, Baseball will be in 4th place instead of tied for 3rd.
Anonymous said…
Mark Malone spent all of the 1980s being referred to as a "Tom Selleck lookalike" by every TV announcer. I guess there are worse labels to be saddled with. And he did kind of bring it on himself with the 'stache.

I see Lonnie Perrin on your Broncos team card, I thought it was cool that he kicked off too.
1984 Tigers said…
The 76 fb set is still one of my faves. I even bought a stripped down (big stars removed but was told that in my bid) just to get about 470 cards from the 500 count box that were graced with sharp corners. Even though I wasn't in serious need of upgrades, it was too good to turn down for the price and got a lot of team and unmarked checklists.

Mark Malone was one of the bridges between Bradshaw and Big Ben. Steelers seemed to go through countless QBs. Later it was guys like Bubby Brister, Neil O'Donnell, Cordell Stewart, even Tommy Maddox (one time successor in line to Elway).
GCA said…
Where's the '76 Football list??
night owl said…
I have 35 cards in the set, there ain't no list. Or the list is "EVERYTHING".
carlsonjok said…
I appreciate your dedication to getting posts out even when you are busy. As my blog production attests, when I am busy I just shrug my shoulders and say "some other time."

The Caitlin Clark thing annoys me. The Carter foul was bush league but I get it. That Clark is seen as the face of a league that is in its 27th season is a bit of an insult to the myriad of pioneer players that came before her. At the same time, she is putting butts in the seats that will hopefully translate into increased attention long term for the NBA. What is really a bit much is that they have to publish every damn persons opinion on it, including Kendrick Perkins. I love Perk as a commentator, but come on...