I recently returned to my plan to chase down the Dodgers I'm missing in old Heritage sets. In almost all cases these are short-prints, and I quickly lose enthusiasm after seeing prices and drop the chase for months before coming back to it. But this time when I visited, the prices weren't bad -- it's just there weren't a lot available. I added the Kaz Ishii short-print from 2004 Heritage. Look at him roll his eyes at those short-printing ways. I also added another famous Japanese pitcher for the Dodgers, maybe you heard of him. Heritage short-printed his card, too, in 2005 Heritage. While I was searching for other Heritage SPs from this time period I happened across an insert from 2005 that I didn't have, so I threw that in my cart and called it a night. This card recognizes his two home runs on the final day of the 1956 season that clinched the pennant for the Dodgers. I knew the photo used on the front seemed ...
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